Summarize legal documents for Legal, Marketing, Finance, and [Any Persona] in seconds.

Automate redlines too.

Meet your AI Inhouse Counsel.

Securely generate legal summaries, redlines, and reports to internal stakeholders.

Generate summaries from docs of any length for any internal stakeholder.

Generate summaries from docs of any length for any internal stakeholder.

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We do not use any of the data submitted to train or improve our models. Data is processed to give recommendations only to you and no-one else.

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Chat data is deleted after 6 hours and is not used for any purpose other than to process the data to provide an answer and provide you with a short-term record of your previous queries.

Data is securely stored and processed

Our cloud provider is regularly audited against the following international standards: ISO 27001, ISO 27017, ISO 27018, SOC 1, SOC 2, SOC 3, FedRAMP, as well as GDPR and CCPA compliance.

Use AI to read legal docs today.

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